Monday 14 November 2016

Bubble Baller’s Top 8 Stag Do Activities


Here at Bubble Baller Middlesbrough we know that organising a stag do can be a stressful task. If you’ve been chosen as the best man, then you have your work cut out for you. Luckily for you this blog post is going to count down the top 8 stag do day time activities.


Number 8Bowling

A great day out but bottom of our list because let’s be honest, although it is fun, it’s not really an exhilarating stag experience. Most people have already had their fair share of bowling throughout their lives so why not go for something a bit more extravagant and exciting.


Number 7 – Golf

If the stag loves the sport why not go for a round of Golf? I’m sure he would appreciate doing something he loves for his stag do. This could be made more interesting by including forfeits and punishments. The winner also gets bragging rights.


Number 6 – Poker

For the riskier group why not have an afternoon of poker?  Minimum buy in £100? Poker is a good one if you’ve got some huge plans for the evening and your looking to ease everyone into the shenanigans smoothly.


Number 5 – Go Karting

There are always a couple of guys in every group that fancy themselves as a bit of an F1 racer, so why not give them the chance to show off their skills (or lack of) on the track.  This can be a fun and exhilarating day out.  Why not ad some prizes in to make it more interesting.


Number 4 – Quad Biking

One for the big kids and for those who love getting muddy and messy. Why not give quad biking a go?  This can be made even better by going somewhere remote and picturesque.



Number 3 – Paint Balling

The Stag Classic.  A great day out.  Laughs are guaranteed, especially when your mate who plays too much Call of Duty takes it a bit too seriously and starts laying down their grade A military strategy (there’s always one).



Number 2 – Zombie Boot Camp

Our second favourite. There are only a few of these scattered around the country so the location is a bit limiting however if you can make it this is surely great fun. In this original game when you arrive you are transported into a zombie apocalypse complete with SWAT training, scientific briefing and then real life zombie war fare. Real life survival horror.


Number 1 – Bubble Football

Obviously we’re going to be biased here but in our opinion if you’re looking for an outdoor stag activity then bubble football is the most fun that can be had.  We also have special mini games for our stag parties, including our personal favourite – bubble bulldog.


Thanks for reading and we hope that we have helped make organising the stag do easier.  We’re sure that no matter what activity you go for you will definitely have a great day and a good laugh

For more information about our stag packages please get in touch using our contact form.

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The post Bubble Baller’s Top 8 Stag Do Activities appeared first on Bubble Football Middlesbrough.


1 comment:

  1. Oh this is great! I love to workout and I am always on the look out for new ideas and outfits for the gym! Thanks for sharing
